Flexibility is as Important as Strength
Virtual Train
Legacy Fitness Products has a foundation built on over 30 years of fitness experience. As qualified fitness professionals, we understand what’s needed and why, how the equipment works – and how it’s maintained.
Our extensive network of partners, including top brands like ANYFIT®, OCTANE®, INTENZA®, CIRCLE FITNESS USA®, AKTIV® and many others, allows us to offer you the ultimate fitness equipment solutions.
Our Story
As is true in any industry, “best known” does not necessarily mean “best quality” or “best fit.” Health Club, Cruise ship or military base? Personal Training Studio or physio clinic? Member or non-member facility? The fitness industry is diverse and dynamic. Market needs vary and equipment needs evolve. (Personalized Message here)
Patty Winer – Corporate Fitness Leader Farm Mutual Reinsurance Plan
Paul de Swart - President, Fitness Centre Bank of Canada
Warren Watson - Fitness Coordiantor Town of Markham.
Ian Bates - Director – University Club of Toronto
John Griffin - MSc., Professor Fitness & Lifestyle Management Program George Brown College, Toronto
Sue Pridham - President Tri Fit Inc
Legacy Fitness Products’ understanding of our needs allowed for an unprecidented level of comfort in the completion of our new Athletic Complex. An A+ from conception to completion.”
Paul Paradiso – Headmaster St. Thomas of Villanova College
Peter Byers – Owner Maxximum Fitness
- Strength
- Cardiovascular
- Virtual Fitness
- Accessories